Hi, welcome to Ramblings. This is my waste of space on this server devoted to my ramblings, essays (yeah, right, why would I write an essay?), quotes, and general bric-a-brac. Well, anywho, look around, have fun!
Quote of the day (Week, Month, Year? Who knows?):
"They call me Tim!"
-- Tim the Wizard from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Comments? Questions?
Email me @ Lewstherin1080@home.com
Check out my old site @ ltp.bishosting.com , but Netscape users beware, that site absolutely hates Netscape - try IE 5.0')
4/17/01, 7:50 PM EST - After four weeks of too much homework, other obligations, and just being plain out lazy - I finally updated. I polished some rough edges, and finally got the first three parts (two Chapters and the prolouge) of Covert Ops Alpha (COA) online. Sorry for the lack of updates. This site's updating routine may remain like this.
3/23/01, 5:45 PM EST - Finally I got around to actually updating. Two parts of my Pokemon fanfic, and I updated the links section.
*Opens up IE, Tries to go to Freeserversalert("alert("alert("");");");.*
Oh man! Server's down. I'll upload this update a little later.
3/12/01, 8:30 PM EST - Again, no physical updates. I'll be working on some new sections, and next update I might actually have some real content.
3/11/01, 8:10 PM EST - Sorry for the lack of updates. Darned computer problems! My hard drive crashed. I replaced it with a new 30 gig (¡10 Gig upgrade!) drive. I put my old drive in as a slave, then restored my absolutely necessary files, such as my FFVII Save file ^_^ . Then I went through heck trying to get my cable modem back up. After that, I hooked up our home network with my dad. A very hectic day.
3/8/01, 8:09 PM EST - I added a Pokemon TCG page, accessable from the Pokemon page. Umm ... added "Up One Level" links at the bottom of my page. I guess that's about it.
3/8/01, 4:10 PM EST - Made minor corrections, mainly in format. All the pages should have the same format now. The color scheme was changed a little, now the page headers are in Blue. Dunno if this is better than the old format, I'll do some trial and error before I finalize the scheme. That's about it, unless I make the Pokemon: TCG and Bed/Blue pages later today. BTW, I highly recommend Freeservers if you make a website.
3/7/01 - Woo Hoo! Most of the site should be uploaded if you're reading this right now. Just follow the links up top. Hopefully this site will be updated at least once every week, unlike my old site.
3/5/01 - Well, I finally got around to registering the domain name @ http://ramblings.freeservers.com. I see little point in writing this update, as the collection of pages I choose to call a site is not yet on the net. The actual updates include (but are not limited to ^_^):